
The Royal recognizes and respects the diversity of our patients, visitors, and staff. We serve a growing community of unique individuals and welcome the involvement of all in our organization. We continually strive to identify and remove barriers that could prevent a person with disabilities from fully accessing our sites, programs and services. This is supported in our policies and procedures as well as among our leadership and education practices. All staff and volunteers at The Royal have been educated on how to provide respectful and accessible client service. Our aim is to offer an inclusive environment where all feel welcome and can receive equal access to care, services, and education.
Assistive devices, service animals and support people – People using assistive devices, service animals, and support people are welcomed and supported in our environment. All staff at The Royal receives training on how to interact with individuals with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person. In addition, individuals admitted to The Royal’s inpatient programs/units will be assessed to determine if there is a need for additional equipment, aids and/or support requirements.
Accessible formats and communications supports - The Royal is committed to providing documents in the preferred accessible formats for persons with disabilities and will respond to requests for accessible formats promptly and to the best of our abilities. A formal request for any document in a particular accessible format or other communication supports (i.e. sign language interpretation) can be made by and/or to any staff member.
Site Accessibility - All of The Royal’s facilities are fully accessible with accessible entrances, washrooms, elevators, and parking that are clearly marked.
Notices of Temporary Disruption - Any pre-planned interruptions to entrances, access roads, elevating devices or accessible washrooms will be posted on The Royal’s website to provide public notification. Signs will be placed at the interruption site indicating alternate accessible options.
Unexpected disruptions, or disruptions where it is too difficult to post a notice on the website, will be handled with signs and/or The Royal staff or volunteers who will provide alternate directions as required. The person providing the alternate directions should be able to communicate the nature of the outage and expected duration, whenever possible. The Royal will try to ensure that multiple accessible service disruptions do not occur at the same time.
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