Family Advisory Council

Formed in 2006, the Family Advisory Council (FAC) is the voice of families at The Royal, transforming lives through family partnership in care, policy, programs and research. We are family and/or friends supporting loved ones through their mental health journey, either through care from The Royal or elsewhere.
Families are an integral part of the team supporting loved ones’ mental health recovery. Evidence shows that family engagement in care and treatment leads to better outcomes.
(2018-2022) Developed family skills training modules for staff on topics such as: engaging family caregivers; confidentiality and consent; and grieving. The engaging family caregivers module was incorporated into the Carleton University school of social work curriculum.
(2022) Co-hosted the second annual Engaging for Impact conference.
(September 2022): Implemented an Essential Care Partner Policy in a Mental Health Setting published in Ontario Caregivers Organization Bulletin 4.
(2022) Supported launch of The Royal’s Ozerdinc Grimes Family Regional Psychosis Clinic.
(2022) Collaborated with the Royal Ottawa Foundation and participated in fundraising events such as golf tournaments, Leaders for Mental Health Breakfast, and more.
Click here to read more about our impact.
Some of the benefits of FAC membership:
If you want more information and would like to get involved with the Family Advisory Council, please complete our application form or email
Families and friends are part of the team supporting loved ones’ mental health recovery. Evidence shows that family engagement in care and treatment leads to better outcomes.
And to do this well, they need support for themselves. The Client and Family Resource Hub offers a variety of resources to meet family caregivers’ needs for information, education and support through their mental health journey.
The Voice is a publication for clients and families produced in partnership with the Client Advisory Council (CAC). Click here to read past issues.