Annual Reports

The University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research (IMHR) at The Royal is driven by the goal to get people living with mental illnesses and substance use disorders better, faster.
Our annual reports outline how we are working hard to achieve this goal, through collaborative and interdisciplinary discoveries and innovation in research. At the IMHR, it’s also about deliberately bringing together a broad range of expertise and experience to tackle puzzles we are trying to solve from many angles.
Our success hinges on five pillars, most importantly our ability to attract and retain great Talent and then empower them to succeed. This annual report shares our progress across that and the four other pillars that underpin our success: do Great Research that has impact; create strong Partnerships to both stretch funding and bring together collaborators; build a Brand and Advocacy ability to both attract the best team mates, partners and donors, and to support the translation of research into practice; and make sure that the Funding is there – both for the organization and for the researchers themselves, so they are free to pursue the endless mysteries about mental health that are still yet to be tackled.
Thank you to our scientists, clinicians, clients and their family, learners, technicians and administrative staff, donors and fundraisers, partners, and our board members – All play an important and necessary role in creating hope for those living with mental illness.
Download our most recent annual report: