Mood and Anxiety

The Royal’s Mood and Anxiety Program cares for people with complex and persistent mood and anxiety disorders. This may include:
We treat patients whose mood and anxiety disorders require highly specialized services. We also support community-based mental health care providers through consultation.
The Mood and Anxiety Program specializes in treating patients who do not respond to conventional treatment. This means that the patients we typically see have recurrent or chronic symptoms and have tried multiple treatment options that haven’t worked for them.
Most people who are seen in our program are here for short-term follow up. This usually means specialized mental health professionals at The Royal help clarify a person’s diagnosis and/or provide treatment recommendations. Some people proceed to receive allied health services in the Mood and Anxiety Program, but for most, ongoing care will be provided by their health care providers (i.e. family doctors) outside of The Royal.
For those who need the most specialized care, we provide more intensive treatment options, including outpatient and inpatient services. Our inpatient service is for patients who require intensive and prolonged care.
The outpatient unit works with patients to develop individualized care plans to help them better manage their difficulties, prevent relapse, and ensure they receive proper ongoing care after discharge.
Our philosophy is to approach care as a respectful partnership between the patient and staff, looking at a wide view of the patient’s situation. This translates into treatment that takes in to account your personal story, ideas and feedback.
Our team of professionals has specialized knowledge and expertise in both the medical and psychological aspects of mood and anxiety disorders, as well as social and vocational rehabilitation. Our program also works with family physicians and community mental health agencies as required to make sure that patients receive the best ongoing care.
Our outpatient services may also support patients referred by other hospitals or directly by community psychiatrists or family physicians. The clinic would work as a complement to the patient’s other mental health care provider to help prevent relapse and recurrence.
Referrals to this program need to be completed by a physician or nurse practitioner.
If you are interested in a referral for yourself or a loved one, please contact your physician or nurse practitioner.
If you are a physician or nurse practitioner looking to refer a patient, please visit our referral page to learn more about our inclusion criteria and to access our central intake forms. If you require assistance submitting your referral, please call +1 (613) 722-6521 ext. 6211.
Note to referring physicians and nurse practitioners: Referrals to The Royal’s Mood and Anxiety Program can be submitted electronically directly from your EMR if you have been set up with Ocean eReferral. Ocean eReferral is a regional program that offers an integrated solution at no cost for all primary care providers in Champlain with compatible EMRs (Telus PSS, QHR Accuro, and certain versions of OSCAR). Once set up, referrals can be initiated directly from the patient's chart in your EMR, launching the appropriate electronic referral form and automatically populating it with much of the appropriate information for the patient and referring clinician. For more information about eReferral, please email: