Building a framework for supporting meaningful family caregiver engagement
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In 15 minutes, you can share your perspectives on family caregiver advisor collaborations by participating in this survey.
In less than a year, educational products will be developed from your input to create meaningful engagement with caregiver advisors in mental health organizations across Ontario.
TO BE ELIGIBLE, you must be an Ontario resident who is at least 16 years old and a caregiver to a loved one with mental health or substance use and concurrent disorder, or a mental health service provider.
Your participation is entirely voluntary and confidential.
I am a Caregiver who has advisor experience
I am a Caregiver who does not have advisor experience
I am a Service Provider who has experience working with advisors
I am a Service Provider who does not have experience working with advisors
For information, please contact Alexis Dorland.
This project has been approved by The Royal's Research Ethics Board.