Musique et mieux-être

Location Details
École secondaire publique De La Salle
501 Old St. Patrick, Ottawa

Please note, this event is in French.


Discover the benefits of music on health and well-being during an evening of scientific discovery and music. As part of the Acfas congress, the Music and Health Research Institute invites you to learn more about musical learning for people who are hearing-impaired, as well as the practices and effects of singing, music, and movement on health.

You will also enjoy amazing musical performances, including a piano duet, an advanced violinist with a cochlear implant, and Indigenous drumming.

This event, which will take place in French only, is free with registration. 

Target audience

Researchers, healthcare professionals, general public, students.

Date and time

May 11 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


L’École secondaire publique De La Salle,
501 Old St. Patrick St., Ottawa.


  • Free


Click here to register.