Strategies for self-help and support when dealing with depression
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As a family member or caregiver, we understand that your loved one’s mental health or substance use health can have a significant impact on you. The Royal’s family information and support events are intended for family members or caregivers of individuals with a mental health or substance use health issue. These events are an opportunity to learn from our experts, find out about available resources, and connect with others who share a similar experience. There is no cost to participate but registration is required.
Hayley Masterson, MSW, RSW
CBT therapist with Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP)
We want to connect most with loved ones when they are struggling with depression, and yet in these moments it can feel like you are a world apart. This session will provide insight for family members about what is happening for your loved one on the inside and understand the changes you see on the outside. We’ll look at the cycle of the depression that may keep your loved one stuck. Caregivers and family members will leave with practical tips on how to meet their loved ones where they are and strategies for taking care of themselves. As a CBT therapist with the Royal, Hayley Masterson will provide insights on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as an evidence-based psychotherapy for treating clinical depression AND as a self-help tool for caregivers.
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
6 to 7:30 PM on Zoom
These sessions are free and open to the public however registration is required.
Limited space is available.
To register, please click here.
For information, email Lori Richer at