Forensic Treatment Unit Westbound Directions

Brockville Mental Health Centre (The Royal)
1804 Hwy. 2 East, Brockville, ON K6V 5T1
+1 (613) 345-1461
Take Hwy 401 into Brockville area. Take the North Augusta Road exit (698). Turn left and then left again onto North Augusta Road (south). Travel south on North Augusta Road.
After first crossroad (Reynolds Drive) there will be an overpass. Continue over overpass. At the base of the overpass, turn left onto Broadway Avenue. Travel on Broadway to Oxford Avenue. Cross Oxford Avenue. This will now be the driveway onto the grounds (there will be a ball field on the left). Pass by powerhouse and then turn left onto driveway that runs in front of St. Lawrence Valley Correctional and Treatment Centre (STU) and the Forensic Treatment Unit (FTU).
The FTU is the building to the far left (east) of the Correctional and Treatment Centre. Parking available in lot. Take stair up to the FTU. Enter FTU through second entrance marked "INPATIENT SERVICES".
Handicapped parking is available alongside the FTU building at entrance level.