Add your questions to our COVID-19 Q&As

If you have a question about mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak, chances are other community members may have the same question. Our experts can provide answers that will be helpful for all.
We invite you to submit your questions using the form below.
We will get an answer from The Royal’s experts and share it with our community on our website and through our social media channels.
Please keep your questions general and anonymous. If we get a number of similar questions, we will bundle them together into one answer.
* If this is an emergency, please call one of these emergency contacts.
* Do you think you might have COVID-19? Please refer to this enhanced and interactive self-assessment tool launched by the provincial government.
If you have general questions about COVID-19 please visit Ottawa Public Health, Leeds, Grenville, Lanark District Health Unit or the Ontario Ministry of Health website.
Top 10 silver linings I've found amidst the clouds of COVID-19
Can you offer quick mental health tips for those stuck indoors?
Dr. Gail Beck speaks on how to tell if your child is experiencing back-to-school anxiety on CFRA 580
Should police be the first responders to mental health emergencies? Listen to Dr. Raj Bhatla on CBC Ottawa Morning (fast forward to 10:01)
The connection between nutrition and your mental health with Chris Cotaras on TSN 1200
Benefits of physical activity during COVID19 with Sara Richardson-Brown on TSN 1200
Handling our frustration and anger in times of uncertainty with Vanessa Holmes on TSN 1200
Dr Beck talks about introvert and extrovert children during COVID19
Supporting seniors during COVID19 with Dr. Tim Lau on TSN 1200 (fast forward to 10:10)
Dr. Bhatla speaks to Doctor's Appreciation Day and how we can take care of ourselves (fast forward to 39.10)
Working moms and taking care of our mental health during COVID-19
Dr. Corace highlights substance use during COVID-19 as part of TSN 1200 The Drive's Wellness Wednesday (fast forward to 6:30)
Stuart Fogel talks about sleep and COVID-19 on CBC Ottawa Morning
Day to day life as a dad and mental health worker during a pandemic
Building resiliency in times of uncertainty – conquering COVID’s emotional contagion
Mental health and the holidays during a pandemic. Read more from Dr. Lau in the Ottawa Citizen