Dave Holmes , PhD, Inf., FAAN
Dave Holmes is Professor and University Research Chair at the University of Ottawa, School of Nursing (Ottawa, Canada) and also Researcher at the University of Ottawa, Institute of Mental Health Research (Ottawa, Canada) and at Institut national de psychiatrie légale Philippe-Pinel (Montréal, Canada). After completing his B.Sc. (Ottawa, 1991), M.Sc. (Montreal, 1998) and Ph.D. (Montreal, 2002) in Nursing, he has completed a CIHR post-doctoral fellowship in Health Care, Technology and Place at the University of Toronto (2003). To date, he has received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, to conduct his research program on risk management in the fields of public health and forensic nursing (life time funding: 11M). Most of his works, comments, essays, analyses and empirical research are based on the poststructuralist works of Deleuze & Guattari and Michel Foucault. His works have been published in top-tier journals in nursing, criminology, sociology and medicine. To this day he has published over 170 articles in peer reviewed journals and 55 book chapters. He is co-editor of Critical Interventions in the Ethics of Health Care (Routledge – April 2009), Abjectly Boundless: Boundaries, Bodies and Health Care (Routledge – January 2010), (Re) Thinking Violence in Health Care Settings: A Critical Approach (Routledge – December 2011), Power and the Psychiatric Apparatus (Routledge – March 2014) and, Radical Sex Between Men: Assembling Desiring-Machines (Routledge – September 2017). He has presented at numerous national and international conferences and was appointed as Honorary Visiting Professor in Australia, Indonesia, the United States and the United Kingdom. He is a fellow of both the American Academy of Nursing and the Canadian Academy of Nursing. Professor Holmes has been recognized as one of the top 2% most cited researchers (since 1965) in the world by Stanford University (December, 2020).