Booking Equipment at the Brain Imaging Centre

Follow the instructions below to book the PET/MRI scanner through The Royal’s Brain Imaging Centre (BIC).
Important: A request to hold a time slot does not guarantee availability. Before you can offer a time slot to a participant, we need to make sure the scanner and a technologist are available.
1. Check the scanner availability through the BIC’s online calendar.
2. Find a date/time that the scanner is available.
Email with your requested date/time, scan length and study name.
If the time is confirmed:
1. You will receive an email indicating that the spot is being held for you.
2. You can now move on to step 4.
If the time is unavailable:
1. You will receive an email with suggested alternative date/times.
2. Select an alternate time and request to hold that time through the BIC.
3. Once you have received confirmation, you can now move on to step 4.
1. Offer the scan slot to your participant and confirm that they would like to book the proposed appointment date/time.
2. Complete the MRI pre-screening form with the participant.
If your participant confirms their availability for the proposed time slot, contact the BIC to confirm the booking. Please submit the participant's completed MRI pre-screening form when you confirm the time slot.
Note: Please do not submit the MRI pre-screening form or provide Personal Health Information (e.g. name, date of birth) via email. You may provide this information in person at the BIC front desk; over the phone; or via fax (613-798-5855).
Cancellation charges will apply for any confirmed booking cancelled with less than 3 business days' (72 hours) notice. The full fee for the booking will be charged unless the slot can be filled by the Principal Investigator or the BIC.